The Truth About Mental Illness - The Side Effects Behind Closed Doors

Often, you come across people who are ignorant to mental health, and mental illnesses, and I always say that I'm happy, genuinely happy, that some people have never experienced such problems and so can't understand them. Sadly, not a lot of people have that luxury of blissful ignorance.

Many people with physical illnesses and chronic illnesses tend to get a mental illness on top of their problems as a side effect, and some people with mental illnesses also experience physical illness symptoms as side effects This is something that people don't see from the outside, mental illness is invisible and it's important we remember we need to be there for those who aren't as upfront about their illnesses as some.

IBS and Stomach Illnesses

One condition common amongst those with mental illness and one I suffer with myself, is IBS and other stomach upsets. This is where the stomach is affected by the stimulation, normally from anxiety, stress etc. IBS is a chronic condition that needs treatment and sometimes medication to settle, and causes a lot of upset, such as diarrhea, constipation, painful bloating, stomach pains and nauseousness. Personally, my IBS is triggered a lot by my anxiety, when I am feeling anxious and overwhelmed I can have a very upset stomach and this can be a very painful experience, my stomach hurts, I get bloated which can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful and struggle in the toilet area. 

Health Anxiety

Mental illness can also cause something caused health anxiety, or often referred to as hyperchondriasis. This is a common form of anxiety that causes you to spiral into paranoia that you are seriously unwell. For example, for years I've had headaches, and every time I've had a bad bout of them, I'm convinced I have a brain tumour, that is cancerous, and I have days to live. This is an extreme jump to conclusions, but this is the life of someone with health anxiety, these possible outcomes of nasty cancers and lifelong conditions from googling are very real and cause very real pain. Someone with health anxiety can feel any mild pain or complaint, take to google and spiral themselves into the conclusion that they have cancer, diabetes, heart failure, anything. It sounds extreme and it is, but it is also very real and difficult to deal with. 

Depression And Other Illnesses 

Depression is  a common side effect for a lot of illnesses such as cancer, HIV, heart disease, diabetes and many other conditions. This can follow from a recent diagnosis or triggered by medication, or just happen as it does. Research has suggested that having depression alongside a physical illness means you can quite often suffer quite severely, as you struggle to cope with day-to-day life with their physical illness. So when you know someone who is suffering with their diagnosis or coping with their physical illness, make sure to check in on how they are doing mentally. 

Lack of libido

Another side effect of depression and mental illness is a lack of libido, aka, no want for sex. This is common amongst people who suffer from depression, sometimes you just can't face it, and other times your medication can mean having sex or wanting sex near impossible. This can be difficult in relationships and make your partner feel unwanted, unattractive, so it's important if your partner has mental health difficulties to be mindful of them and finding sex a difficult task to deal with or want at the minute.

As usual, leave a comment below!

Meg x 



  1. This is such an important post as I feel like these side effects don't get spoken about enough! IBS and other stomach issues are something I've suffered with because of my anxiety and it can be really hard to deal with. The two play into each other so I might be anxious then I'll get IBS and then because I can be feeling so unpleasant that will make my anxiety worse. It's definitely a vicious cycle. Health anxiety is something I've struggled with a lot as well. It is so exhausting and really can feel so out of control xx

    Lauren |

    1. Thank you! I feel that, it really is a vicious cycle! Health anxiety is the worst. All the best love! Xx


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